The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Solent Plastics Pollution (SPP) Hub

Beach clean at Hill Head

SPP is an information hub to collate and publicise all the excellent work taking place around the Solent and its associated river catchments on litter collection and preventing plastic pollution. It will be in two parts:

1. This website that will host information to support existing groups with best practice guidance and resources.

2. A Facebook page to help inform the public about events and latest news. It can also be used as a mechanism to facilitate discussion between local groups if needed. We have a Survey where you can register your interest and let us know how you think this hub can help you.

The project is a partnership between the Environment Agency (plastics and sustainability team) and the Solent Forum, which is the coastal partnership for the Solent. This project will deliver one aspect of the Environment Agency’s Interreg-funded Preventing Plastics Pollution project.  The project meets two of the Solent Forum's core objectives; to improve sharing of the information base and to facilitate better communication, consultation and liaison. SPP will run until March 2023 but we will maintain the resources thereafter.

We would like both the Solent’s coastal and river catchment communities to be involved with this hub, to encompass the whole water environment. We would love to hear from anyone who is running or coordinating litter collecting events, or those who are passionate about reducing plastics and litter in the water environment. The hub is free to access for all.

How can we be involved?

Register using our survey at to join us. Or send your details to


Litter Initiatives & Groups

The Solent Forum has collated a whole series of information and links to initatives on litter collection for its Clean Solent Shores and Seas programme. This includes work both local to the Solent and nationally on litter and plastics with links to local litter collecting groups.

We have a 'My Area' page where you can find local groups and initiatives close to you.

The Marine Conservation Society has a facility to find beach cleans near you.

Case Studies

We are collating information on case studies of best practice around the Solent.

Local Authority Permission and Advice

We have provided links to the local authority litter pages for the Solent and its catchments. These give good local information on how to get permission on council land, health and safety advice and local litter pick schemes such as the New Forest National Park's Ambassador Scheme.

Funds and Grants

Sea-Changers gives one-off grants (i.e. not continual funding) to UK-based charities and not-for-profit organisations (including schools) carrying out marine conservation related activities.

Hampshire County Council has a waste prevention community grant that is open to: community, neighbourhood or voluntary groups; registered charities; schools, colleges and universities; not-for-profit organisations (including social enterprises); businesses with fewer than 250 employees; and faith groups delivering community work; as well as parish and town councils. Grants are available for community projects which will introduce a new waste prevention, reuse or repair service to the local area - to help build a network of waste prevention services across the county.

Health and Safety

There can be lots of health and safety issues to consider when undertaking litter picks at the coast, some are general good practice and other are more specific to being in a coastal environment. Our health and safety page is designed to highlight some of the key considerations and provide links to information.

Litter Picking Equipment and Education Packs

This section highlights resources available for equipment and education use.

Litter data recording and data submission

The section on litter data and recording looks at the resources available to help record the litter from litter picks and how you can submit that data so it can help with future policy and management.

Toolkits and Best Practice Guidance