The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Biosecurity Action Plan: Eastern Harbours

Eastern Harbours

Welcome to the voluntary Biosecurity Action Plan for the Eastern Harbours (Portsmouth, Langstone, Chichester). It has been developed by the Solent Forum in association with the following stakeholders who gave their input via a series of workshops: 

How do I use the Plan?

This voluntary Plan sets out the actions that different sectors and organisations can take based on the biosecurity pathways identified by Solent stakeholders.  We have set out actions for each of the pathways listed below and we have also set out generic actions that apply across all pathways at a local level. Solent stakeholders, please read the local generic actions which set out general best practice and then refer to the pathways of interest to you for more specific actions. For more background information on the individual pathways and links to external resources, please see our pathway biosecurity pages. For the simple, easier actions we have set a suggested timeline of October 2024, which is one year after this plan will be launched. Other long-term actions will need to be scheduled as appropriate by the implementing organisation depending on their work programmes and resources.

We do recognise that many organisations in the Solent are already adopting good biosecurity measures and it is important that you publicise this work to your clients and customers. If you would like your work highlighted in this Plan then please email details to the Solent Forum Office.

We have also set out on a separate page the evidence/research needs/information that needs to be developed at a national level to support these local actions.

Plan Management

The Solent Forum will act as the coordinator for all of the Solent biosecurity plans. We will use our news service to highlight issues and best practice and put out any species alerts we receive. We will also keep the plan pages live and act as the INNS Local Action Group for the Solent.

Local Generic Actions

Short Terms Actions (by October 2024)
1. Support and endorse this plan and utilise its resources to help improve biosecurity throughout your organisation.
2. Nominate a biosecurity lead in your organisation. Encourage them to educate staff and customers about marine invasives using the resources available on these biosecurity pages.
3. Establish a system such as a hard copy or digital log book to record any marine invasive species found at your location. Ask the biosecurity lead to report species on iRecord and/or email finding details to:
4. Obtain a copy (free from the Solent Forum office) of the 'Identification guide for selected marine non-native species' and leave in a public place for staff/customers to browse. Show and encourage any site contractors to browse through it too. An online copy is available on these pages
Long Term Actions (implement as part of ongoing work programmes/business planning)


Educate your staff, customers and contractors by including information on marine invasives and biosecurity in your existing print and online media such as harbour guides and websites. Please use our media pack for copy and images. This pack contains a QR code for where there is limited space.


Support invasive non native species week (every May) with an annual refresh of communications on this issue.

7. Consider writing a biosecurity plan for your organisation using the resources on this site. This will help you be prepared if it is asked for as part of a Marine Licence application or other consent. See: Marine Biosecurity Plan Estuary Wide template and Specific Operation/Construction Related Activities template.


Consider establishing a small working group for the locality, for example to include local estuaries officer, government agencies and local catchment partnership officer, to explore further awareness raising on this topic and partnership action.

Pathway Actions: Recreation

Recreation Actions
  Action Owner Timescale 
1 Encourage recreational participants to adopt the Check, Clean Dry campaign and utilise their resources for best practice. Encourage staff and watersports participants to watch The Green Blue’s Check, Clean, Dry videos. Businesses and organisations who provide facilities and service for watersports users



Ask the biosecurity lead to check what measures may need to be taken when planning boating events (see resources section on our recreational boating pathway page).

Businesses and organisations who run watersports events



Share the Green Blue’s guide to coastal boating which includes an information page on how to avoid spreading marine invasives when boating.

Businesses and organisations who provide facilities and service for watersports users



Insert a biosecurity clause in information put out at boating and watersports events to ensure that competitors from outside the Solent are aware of Check, Clean, Dry and the need to stop marine invasive spread.

Coast and marine event organisers



Request and use The Green Blue’s coastal biosecurity signage kit at places used by watersports participants.

All businesses that provide locations to service watersports.



Consider installing a contained pressure wash system for hull vessel cleaning, where water is collected and processed before being released back into the sea



Short term actions by October 2024, long term actions to be implemented as part of future work programmes/business planning.

Pathway Actions: Coastal and Marine Infrastructure

Coastal and Marine Infrastructure
  Action Owner Timescale
1 If marine invasive species are found, seek guidance from your local Natural England office about the best way to eradicate from infrastructure. The INNS management toolkit has information on eradicating the pacific oystercarpet sea squirt and slipper limpet.   Businesses with coastal and marine infrastructure. As required.
2 Ask relevant contractors and suppliers about what biosecurity measures they have in place regarding their operations as part of the commissioning process for new development. If appropriate ask them to follow guidance in this biosecurity hub. Businesses and organisations undertaking maintenance and development of infrastructure. As required.
3 Consider using settlement panels to monitor marine invasive species colonisation of waterside infrastructure.   Businesses with coastal and marine infrastructure. Long-term.
4 For construction materials with a marine source, or that have been stored in water, ask the suppliers about their biosecurity protocols and whether the materials were checked for marine invasives at source. Ask your biosecurity lead to check for marine invasives on delivery. Businesses undertaking maintenance and development of infrastructure. As required.
5 Be aware of the risk of spreading marine invasive species when redeploying navigational aids or infrastructure outside of your immediate locality. If redeployment is further afield check (e.g. into another harbour) for marine invasives and if found use Check, Clean, Dry protocol or clean off the fouling if technically feasible. Businesses and organisations with responsibility for coastal and marine infrastructure. As required.
Long term actions to be implemented as part of future work programmes/business planning.

Pathway Actions: Commercial Vessels

Commercial Vessels
  Action Owner Timescale
1 Ask your biosecurity lead to raise awareness with vessel owners that are in long term berth (over 2 months) about the risks of hull colonisation by marine invasive species and the need to hull clean, particularly if they are taken out of the Solent. Port and harbour authorities As required.
2 Ask if new vessels arriving in the Solent have been checked for marine invasives (via fouling of hulls or anchors) and if they have been cleaned. Focus on vessels that may have been at anchor or berthed for over two months in a different location. Port and harbour authorities

As required.

3 Check if arriving ships have a ballast water management plan, record book and certificate (vessels over 400 gt). Port and harbour authorities As required.
4 When undertaking vessel survey or maintenance, look out for marine invasives, photograph and record on iRecord. Vessel surveyors and maintenance operatives As required.


When selecting a vessel maintenance/refit facility ask if it has biosecurity measures in place.

Port and harbour authorities

As required.


For slow moving vessels like dredgers and barges, ask if they have a vessel biofouling management plan or what measures have been taken to ensure the vessel is free of marine invasives before reaching your site.

Port and harbour authorities

As required.

Pathway Actions: Habitat and Species Restoration

Habitat and Species Restoration
  Action Owner Timescale
1 View the Blue Marine Foundation's biosecurity decision cycle for an example of the factors that need to be considered when carrying out species restoration. Habitat restoration practitioners As required.
2 A biosecurity plan will be requested as part of a marine licence application. See the resources section in our pathway page for a link to an example. Marine licence applicants As required.
3 When undertaking beneficial use of dredgings for habitat creation, be prepared that grab samples could be requested to undergo eDNA testing to check for marine invasive species (this type of monitoring is still in its infancy but will become more readily used over time). Beneficial use of dredgings project managers As required.

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