The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleSCOPAC Storm Analysis Study
TopicFlood and Coastal Risk Erosion Management
Year of CompletionPublished 2021.
AbstractIn response to recent extreme events and stormy winters (e.g. 2013/14 and 2015/16), BCP Council led on an analysis across the SCOPAC region, comparing extreme events and winters using sea level and wave data sets. The aim was to put recent events into context with longer data sets, providing easily accessible and understandable scientific information that can be used to infer causes of coastal flooding and/or erosion. The data sets utilised were mainly from the Regional Monitoring Programme / Channel Coastal Observatory (CCO) and the National Tide and Sea Level Facility (NTSLF).
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data holderSouthern Coastal group/SCOPAC