The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleMarine Aggregate Dreding and the Coastline Guidance Note
AuthorBMAPA/Crown Estate
TopicAggregate dredging
Year of CompletionComplete 2013.
AbstractIn December 2013, a guidance note entitled 'Marine aggregate dredging and the coastline' was published by BMAPA and The Crown Estate. This built on well established approaches for assessing coastal impacts, and established best practice for the British marine aggregate industry by advising on the scope, standards and transparency that are expected in the Coastal Impact Studies (CIS) undertaken as part of the wider environmental impact process. It is designed to be a valuable reference providing mutual benefit to all stakeholders and consultees, including dredging companies, consultants, government regulators and agencies, local authorities, NGOs, other seabed and coastal users and the public. Both defended and natural coastlines are considered.
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data holderBMAPA