The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitlePilot Study on Chemical Water Quality in the Western Solent: Screening for Endocrine Activity
TopicShell fish
Year of CompletionCompleted 2011.
RegionSouthampton Water
AbstractThe Western Solent is an important area for commercial fishing and specifically includes the Stanswood Bay Several Order Fishery for the native oyster (Ostrea edulis). Annual surveys by Cefas (and previously MAFF) since 1977 have shown a steady decline in the native oyster stocks in the Western Solent, based on annual dredge surveys. The precise factors related to this decline are not known but are undoubtedly complex and are likely to include biological, chemical water quality and fisheries management issues.
How to AccessAvailable in CEFAS newsletter at
Use ConstraintsNo known restrictions, contact data holder.
data holderCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science