The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleSouthampton Port Master Plan (2016 - 2035)
TopicPorts, Harbours and Shipping
Year of CompletionPublished 2016.
StatusConsultation draft.
RegionSouthampton Water
AbstractThe Master Plan (2016 - 2035) has regard to the nature of our port, operations, wider policy and guidance and sets our key objectives and our strategy for growth including: our strategic planning for the medium to long term - providing assistance to planning bodies, transport authorities, network providers and other stakeholders in preparing their own development strategies. Setting out the future development and infrastructure requirements needed to maintain and enhance the role of the Port as a major international deep-sea gateway and; informing port users, employees and local communities as to how we envisage the Port developing in the coming years.
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data holderABP Southampton