The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleScoping Study: Site analysis for potential beneficial dredge spoil use for restoration and recharge of intertidal soft sediment resources within the Solent.
AuthorUniversity of Southampton
Year of CompletionCompleted 2010.
AbstractHampshire County Council (HCC), the Environment Agency and the University of Southampton undertook discussions on the potential use of dredge spoil for restoration of Solent saltmarshes and creation of mudflat. The University of Southampton were subsequently asked to investigate Solent saltmarsh/mudflat sites suitable for restoration or recharge with dredged material. This has been achieved through a Scoping Study of sites considering their physical factors, conservation status and related legislation issues; this lead to conclusions on potential suitability. The report was published in May 2010.
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data holderUniversity of Southampton