The Solent Forum

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SID Database

Results for topic: "Fisheries".

Region Title Datacentre Holder Completed
OtherBait Collectors in Poole Harbour
UKFisheries APPG Policy BriefsPublished 2000.
UKSea fisheries: steps to sustainability (NE 193) 2009.
UKFisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023)Published 2023.
UKNative Oyster Network
UKIFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected AreasAssociation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthoritiesOngoing
EnglandIFCAs Management of Inshore Marine Protected AreasAssociation of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthoritiesOngoing.
Solent Solent Oyster Regeneration ProjectBlue Marine FoundationOngoing.
UKDecision support tools for the identification and management of invasive non-native aquatic speciesCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOnline tool kit.
EnglandEngland and Wales: classification and monitoring of shellfish harvesting areasCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
UKCEFAS Data HubCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
EnglandThe Fisheries Data Archive Centre (FishDAC)Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing online resource.
UKAttitudes towards data collection, management and development, and the impact of management on economic value of sea angling in the UKCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2020.
UKCefas Fisheries Advice DocumentsCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOnline web resource.
UKSea angling in the UKCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture SciencePublished 2020.
West SussexCHASM Report 2020-2021Chichester District Council Complete
West Sussex2022 Cefas paper Janickina feistiChichester District Council Complete.
UKClean Catch UK Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
UKEnd-of-life fishing and aquaculture gear policy optionsDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2021.
UKEuropean Native Oyster Restoration HandbookEnvironment AgencyPublished 2021.
Solent Solent and South Downs: Fish monitoring report 2017Environment Agency2018.
EnglandEcology and Fish Data ExplorerEnvironment AgencyOngoing
UKFuture of the sea: trends in aquacultureGovernment Office for SciencePublished 2017.
UKMPA Fisheries Management ToolkitJNCCPublished 2020.
Langstone HarbourAnnual Small Fish SurveyLangstone Harbour BoardAnnual survey.
SussexSea’s the Day: the fishermen of Selsey BillManhood Peninsula PartnershipPublished 2019.
UKThe Good Fish GuideMarine Conservation SocietyUpdated regularly.
UKFollow on to the development of Spatial Models of Essential Fish Habitat for the South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plan Areas (MMO1096)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2016.
EnglandRegional Fisheries GroupsMarine Management OrganisationOngoing
UKUK Sea Fisheries StatisticsMarine Management OrganisationAnnual survey.
UKEvaluating the distribution, trends and value of inshore and offshore fisheries in England (MMO 1011)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2012.
UKScoping the opportunities and challenges to using a core fishing grounds approach to develop a spatial marine plan policy for fishing (MMO 1074)Marine Management OrganisationComplete 2014.
UKFishing regulations: The Blue BookMarine Management OrganisationOngoing online resource.
UKEssential fish habitat follow on report (MMO1096)Marine Management Organisation2016
UKEvaluation of Marine Protected Area Management Measures Concerning Fishing (MMO1172)Marine Management OrganisationPublished 2019.
UKMMO guidance to industry on 2017 bass measuresMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2017.
Chichester HarbourImpact of Bait Digging on Archaeology: Chichester Harbour Pilot ProjectMaritime Archaeology TrustPublished 2015.
EnglandDisplacement of fishing effort from Marine Protected Areas (NECR241)Natural EnglandPublished 2017.
EnglandFisheries Impacts on Marine Protected Habitats – A Review of the Evidence (NEER023)Natural EnglandPublished 2023.
UKSeafish Big PictureSeafishAnnual report.
UKUpdate on the sources, fate, effects and consequences for the Seafood Industry of microplastics in the marine environmentSeafishPublished 2018.
UKSeafish Gear DatabaseSeafishOngoing.
Solent The Bait Collector's CodeSolent Marine Sites
Solent SIFCA Research and Evidence PlanSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Solent Research and Evidence ReportsSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
UKManagement of Inshore Marine Protected Areas by the IFCAs 2011 to 2018 Southern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2019.
Solent Hand Gathering FisheriesSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing online resource.
Solent SIFCA Current ProjectsSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityDetails of current projects.
Solent Key species profiles in the Southern IFCA DistrictSouthern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
West SussexHand Gathering Byelaw, 2021Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
Solent Impact of bait collecting in Poole Harbour and other estuaries within the Southern IFCA DistrictSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority2013.
Chichester HarbourA valuation of the Chichester Harbour Provisioning Ecosystem Services provided by shellfishSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2018
SussexSussex IFCA Research and ScienceSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOngoing.
Solent Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Species GuideSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityOnline web resource.
Solent Sussex Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority Nearshore Trawling ByelawSussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation AuthorityPublished 2021.
Solent Deimos Space UK: Sediment Disturbance Project (bait collection impacts)University of Portsmouth2021
Solent University of Portsmouth Bait Collection PapersUniversity of PortsmouthOngoing work.