The Solent Forum

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SID Database

Results for topic: "Coastal and Marine Management".

Region Title Datacentre Holder Completed
UKBlue Carbon CalculatorABP Marine Environmental Research & ConsultancyPublished 2014.
UKMarine Assessment tool Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceLaunched 2019.
UKMarine online assessment toolCentre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture ScienceOngoing
UKProfiting from Coastal Partnerships Putting A Price On Member BenefitsCoastal Partnership Network
UKDelivering a Vision for High-Integrity Marine Natural Capital Markets in the UKCrown EstatePublished 2024.
UKMarine Data ExchangeCrown EstateComplete 2013.
UKUK marine science strategy: 2010 to 2025Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsFebruary 2010.
EnglandBiodiversity Net GainDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing.
UKMarine and Coastal Access Act, 2009Department for Environment Food & Rural AffairsComplete. November 2009.
UKCharting Progress 2Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs2010.
UKOutcome Indicator Framework for the 25 Year Environment PlanDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsOngoing
UKMarine Strategy Part Two: UK updated monitoring programmesDepartment for Environment Food & Rural AffairsPublished 2021.
UKThe coastal handbook - A guide for all those working on the coastEnvironment Agency2010
EnglandState of the environment: the coastal and marine environmentEnvironment AgencyPublished 2023.
UKWorking with Natural Processes – Evidence DirectoryEnvironment AgencyPublished 2017.
UKRestoring Meadow, Marsh and Reef (ReMeMaRe)Estuarine & Coastal Sciences Association
EuropeMarine Strategy Framework DirectiveEU Maritime AffairsOnline web resource.
UKEuropean Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODNET)EU Maritime AffairsOngoing.
EuropeEuropean Atlas of the SeasEU Maritime AffairsFourth edition published in 2017.
UKForesight Future of the Sea: A Report from the Government Chief Scientific AdviserGovernment Office for SciencePublished 2018.
UKMarine activities and pressures evidenceJNCCOngoing
EnglandMarine licensing: Information you may need to supply to support your marine licence applicationMarine Management OrganisationOngoing.
EnglandThe marine licence application timelineMarine Management OrganisationPublished 2018.
EnglandManaging marine non-licensable activities in marine protected areasMarine Management OrganisationOngoing.
UKMarine Licensing exempted activitiesMarine Management OrganisationOnline web resource.
EnglandGreen and Blue Infrastructure MappingNatural EnglandPublished 2021.
Solent The Solent Maritime SAC: Seagrass natural capital assessmentReMEDIESPublished 2021.
SolentSolent Science - A ReviewSolent Forum2000.
UKCoastal Data ExplorerThe Rivers TrustOngoing