The Solent Forum

Working in partnership for the future

Record Detail

TitleBeneficial Use of Dredge Sediment in the Solent (BUDS): Phase 1 Project Scoping and Partnership Building
AuthorABP Mer
Year of CompletionMarch 2018
AbstractThis report reviews the work undertaken for Phase 1 of the Solent Forum’s ‘Beneficial Use of Dredge Sediment in the Solent’ (BUDS) project. The BUDS project was initiated by the Solent Forum partnership because its members are keen to see more of the region’s dredged sediment used to restore its intertidal habitats. To consider this issue further, this first phase of the project involved a high-level review of the locations where dredge arisings (silts mainly) could be used in the Solent to ‘recharge’ coastal habitat. It has also been undertaken to help identify collaborative partnerships that might be willing to support one or more intertidal recharge initiatives, especially at a large scale.
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data holderABP Marine Environmental Research & Consultancy